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Anna Penido
Author | Speaker | Filmmaker | Coach

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Manifest Your Goals

During 4 weeks author/filmmaker Anna Penido will coach you in person on how to:

  • Nail down your priority goal
  • Learn to focus
  • Get rid of thoughts and behaviors that sabotage you
  • Organize actions in the physical world and
  • Move into the energy field that makes magic happen

You will see a shift happen in your mood and in what manifests in your life. The secret? Joy! Joy is miraculous. There is no magic happening when one is worried, doubtful, anxious, sad, fearful, suspicious, tense, multitasking. Step-by-step under Anna’s loving guidance you will receive the tools to feel inspired, nurtured and trustful to make room for what you most deeply desire to manifest.

Why 4 weeks?

We are so attached to our habits and ways of thinking that our initial impulse is to reject the new – even if we desperately want to evolve! Therefore, for this new information to sink in, you will need a whole week of practicing a new routine, with the help of affirmations, rituals and connecting to your core. Making room for manifestation happens by letting go and becoming alert. You will practice how to focus, remove distractions and people that deplete your energy field and connect with the most important person to make the shift: YOU!

The 4-Week Program

Week 1 - What Am I Ready to Receive? Getting your Priorities clear in the Sea of Desires.

Most of us have a huge list of what we still want. And this is good! If you didn’t have desires you would be dead! Even if you are depressed and has no will whatsoever, you still have the desire of getting out of depression. Being stagnant is the worst possible scenario. So let’s move! Forward, upwards and in a spiral! Scientists have proven that the universe is expanding – so let’s get in sync with the universe energy motion. Let’s investigate what is your first priority? A Love partner? A fulfilling activity that honors your best talents? Greater financial freedom? Freedom from stress? A cascade of creativity? Recognition for your talents? Improving the lives of many? To nail down the priority is essential, because once your mind is focused, the universe conspires and before you know it, in unexpected ways BANG! It happens. However we have a Sea of Desires, plus we are bombarded daily with visual stimulus and demands that create even more desires, so it is hard to choose which one is priority. How to get to the truth? The greatest vessel of truth we have is our own physical Body. Cells hold memories and feelings. Therefore during this class we will be doing several Body Connection and Dance exercises to awaken that intelligence. You will also receive a questionnaire to focus your mind into investigating the essence of desire, you will get affirmations, rituals and tasks to do daily before our second encounter.

Recommended Reading: Brazilian Secrets for a Joyful Life – Chapters 3 "How to Stop Time and Be Young Forever" and 4 "Body Talk".

Week 2 – Getting Mentally Ready

For your Goal to Manifest your mind must be producing the right kind of thoughts. So the focus of this very important week is to clean your mind and emotions from trash like fears, distrust, comparison, doubt, judgement, criticism. Worried about work? About the future? About the past? That’s not useful at all to attract what you really want – in fact, trouble attracts more trouble. All that stuff leaves no room for what really matters. Chapter 1 in my book “Sweep It Out” addresses exactly this. The same way you smoke your body with sage, you will learn to identify false beliefs, clear your mind from those voices that disturb you, sometimes loving family voices that even distant physically, continue to mentally interfere with your positive energy and decision – making choices. So together we will discover and list what beliefs are useful for you to incorporate in your new “let’s manifest” philosophy. This class is about finding Who You Are, Your Core Values, your Strengths, your Unique Talents. The information you already carry in you needs to be organized. Do you know how it is when we open the closet and look at the empty suitcase and start selecting what goes in and what stays out for a 10 day trip? That’s what you will do during this week. Emotions might come to surface, but trust that you will feel supported by a loving group.

Recommended Reading: Brazilian Secrets for a Joyful Life – Chapter 1: "Sweep It Out"

Week 3 – Getting Physically Ready – “The universe helps those who help themselves”

By hiding indoors behind a computer screen day after day or going to the supermarket dressed in pajamas - no matter what mind cleaning you have done - you are taking in account the power of physical magnetism. There are physical actions that help get things moving forward and upward. For instance if your goal is finding your definitive love partner, even if you are the romantic type that hopes to stumble into Mr. Right “naturally”. It doesn’t hurt to use the tools of a dating site because it will help you define better your own profile and create a sharp eye for selection. It`s a good training on focus and helps create momentum. In Brazil we have a funny saying that says “man calls man”, that is, if a guy is attracted to you most likely others will show up to dispute you too. During this week you will focus on what’s the best of you to present to other, and what are the attributes you most desire on the other. And that serves for getting a job that will fulfill you as well. Or your dream home. Start selecting and listing the people, the locations, the networks, the events that offer the most auspicious environments and opportunities to circulate. This is the moment to create a deadline. Deadline is crucial to make things happen.

Week 4 – Getting Energetically Ready

Most of us tense our bodies and minds too much during each day running after goals, duties, errands, juggling with life’s demands. The day ends and items from our to-do-list move to the next day, and the same routine repeats again, your energy is always focused on trying to get what you still don’t have. That tension drains your energy, and even if you have a social event to attend with potential new possibilities, your energy to attract anything is just not there, you totally lack confidence, you wonder about your charisma, whatever you say sounds boring and fake to your own ears. Well, if you have not been practicing being in the Love Energy Field with Yourself what else do you expect? Time to change your to-do-list! Time for Brazilian rituals. You will learn how to get out of that confused, exhausted and empty energy and switch all your neurons and cells to the clear, confident and Relaxed Energy that opens the Universe to shower you with Gifts. With no effort. Brazilians have mastered the art of relaxation and party. Let’s create Magic having a great time. Magic to shift your energy. The moment you enter the realm of total love – then love, generosity, abundance, money, healing, opportunities will manifest around you very fast. Music is key here and I will teach how music, dance and singing together with other specific rituals create a spiral of freedom that opens up the space to accept and receive what you have been wanting for so long.

Recommended reading: Brazilian Secrets for a Joyful Life - Chapter 2: "Trust!"

Ready, Set, Go!

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Course Details

  • Class Dates: To be confirmed
  • Location: Santa Monica area
  • Obs: Directions will be sent to you after you register.
  • Course Fee (Special): $245
  • Payment Option: 50% when you secure your spot and 50% by course start.

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Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty

Anna Penido appeared on Rachel Hunter’s Tour of Beauty, broadcast on Ovation TV.

Rachel Hunter's tour of Beauty

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What others think

"In her extraordinary book, Anna shares her amazing knowledge of the body, of health, vitality, nutrition and attitude. Anna is a blessing in my life."
Lina Shanklin, Transformative Coach
"Anna has this amazing wisdom, she's connected to a source, she's always happy...  ...so get this book and be happy!"
Zulema Hormaeche, Tarot Reader

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